A 21-dik század legmodernebb és legfejlettebb technikai vívmányai közé tartozik a  mesterséges intelligenciával  (MI/AI) támogatott képalkotás. 


AI-assisted imaging and production design

   ​The latest and most advanced technological advances of the 
21st century include artificial intelligence (AI) assisted imaging.

Synthography.io is the result of this technical achievement of this technology 
to make creative projects, films, video games and clips, magazines, websites 
and all other media, using professional and a wide range of creative industry 
knowledge the new tool.

Our experience ranges from artistic representation to the most modern photorealistic 
from high-end cameras capable of simulating the most modern visualisation methods to the latest visualisation toolsets of video game engines to meet the needs of a wider audience.

The synthetic image creation is:

- Cost-effective
- Fast implementation and results
- We create in any style from comic to photorealistic
- High quality, high resolution end result

     ​Our synthographers
are the most experienced "Midjourney"
specialists, which is the highest quality AI imaging model 
available today.

Each image is marked with unique, invisible, unbreakable 
and unalterable cryptographic provenance information, 
which verifies the ownership of the image and gives clear 
legal status to the partners. 

  Our areas of expertise:

- Pre-visualisation preparation and design 
  (film, video clip, video game, etc.)

- Custom graphic design and production 
  (web, print, TV, stream, etc.)

- Custom solutions, graphic transfusion with AI 
  and traditional imaging. 

- Magazine and web layouts contracted with 
  high quality imagery

Galerica Synthografica

Application areas

Character design
Costume design
Scene design
Lighting setup
Environment design
Flora and fauna
Alien life forms
Industrial design
Buildings and settlements
Vehicles and other machinery
Fittings and fixtures
Scenario visualisation
Creative advertising
Custom production needs

2024 portfolio movies are based on V6 and V6.1 Midjourney renders

Contact with the synthographers

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Member of the Synth Images Group
All images on this page are computer graphics created with Midjourney version 6.0, 6.1 or better and finalized with photoshop.